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How to setup Dhivehi Keyboard for Android [FREE/NoRootRequired]

Browsing through the internet or tinkering with some WebCode is a daily thing to me. So, every now and then I have to enter some thaana text into some comment box or HTML code via my mobile phone. Therefore, I had to find a way to have a full Thaana keyboard. When I went to find out possible options on the internet, first thing I saw was Multiling O Keyboard which has a lot of foreign language keyboards built in it. It also supports Thaana and especially if you have a thaana font in your phone (which I do), you'll have no issues.

So, first thing first, the proceedure!

1. Install the keyboard from play store HERE
2. When you open the application, you will see steps to follow in order to setup the keyboard.
3. Once the initial setup is done, open the keyboard by going to new messages or any other text box.
4. Now press and host the "space button", you will see languages among other options. Slide your finger over it without lifting your finger. The UI is more of a sliding theme.
5. Among the regions, select "South Asian", you will now see "Dhivehi" in the list. Click it and you are done!!! Unless you see empty buttons on the keyboard where dhivehi letters are supposed to be. That means you don't have dhivehi font installed in your system.

You have two options to resolve this.

1. Install a font pack called MyAlpha HERE
2. Or follow the instructions to install dhivehi font in your phone HERE

When you are done, here is the look of the keyboard ;)


Unknown said...

how install this keyboard


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